
宁评价Xun:其游戏方式不适配BLG TheShy则表示赞同_LPL直播


Ning:Xun should be out!

TheShy:Xun out? But he's been playing well, hasn't he?

Ning:His playstyle doesn't suit BLG. Since knight joined, his playstyle with wei is that he needs someone to follow him, but wei doesn't need someone to follow him. BLG's bottom lane isn't as strong as before, which leads to him being left alone and easily getting into trouble. Wei, on the other hand, might be more suited for BLG. Xun might be a bit lacking, regardless of the champions he plays.

TheShy:I think Xun plays well! He seems like a crucial player in BLG. I think he's quite important.

Ning:Jungler in this patch is useless, it only looks useful, but it doesn't matter what champion you pick if you can't understand the matchup. The jungle is hard to access in this patch, if you want to access the jungle, you have to have teammates following you. So everyone is busy with their own lane and can't access the jungle. Xun is good when he has a lead in the jungle, but where does that lead come from? You can say he's strong, but he won't always have an advantage in the jungle in every game. There must be someone helping him. But now the problem is that no one has the time to help him, so if his playstyle deviates, problems are likely to come up.


